Tutorsonline.us makes recordings of all live classes for safety and quality assurance.
Teachers can view class recordings via the Tutorsonline.us platform in order to improve their classes. Some (but not all) teachers also make class recordings available via the Tutorsonline.us classroom to families enrolled in class. Enrolling in class does not guarantee access to class recordings - they are shared at each teacher's discretion.
While parents are welcome to take pictures and videos depicting their own learners participating in class, it is never okay to capture or share other learners' faces or names.
Tutorsonline.us uses recordings to provide coaching to teachers, for customer support, and for compliance purposes. We take learners' and teachers' privacy seriously and never share class recordings (or any of our community members’ personally identifying information) outside Tutorsonline.us for marketing purposes or for any other reason without your explicit consent. Tutorsonline.us retains videos for 180 days, after which they are automatically and permanently deleted.